
These are the most recent in an ongoing series of articles on life, and life and business coaching. If you would like to read more, check out my latest eBook by clicking here.


What guides our lives is our purpose. This is something that keeps us on a mission even if we are unsure where we are heading. It’s easy to forget to live on purpose when we get caught up in our daily lives. We can get stuck in our jobs and daily routines and our purposes gets put to one side. Yet we have that nagging feeling that there must be more to life than the 9 to 5 drudge!

Deep down we know that we are meant for more. When we ignore that feeling and continue to live life out of alignment with our purpose, we can feel lacking in energy, it can affect our relationships and drain our joy of life.

So, what’s your purpose? What do you want to spend time on every day? When do you want to move from making a living to making a life worth living?

Our coaching programmes can help you to get clarity on your purpose.


As humans we have always been fascinated with the idea of time. There is the practical aspect of time such as how many hours there are in the day and what you can fit into those hours. Then there are the ideas of past and future time. It has been said that time is illusory because the only time we have is right now and that what happened in the past stays there and what may happen in the future has not yet happened. However, we can run into problems when we bring past or future time into our present time. The former can bring guilt, shame, and grief and the latter fear, worry and stress. If we spend much of our present time occupied with past or future time, we can miss out on life right now and the opportunities it brings with it.


Imagine you are 98 years old and about to die and you have regrets about not living to your full potential. What could you do today to avoid having those regrets?

The truth is you already know what those regrets will be so why not do something today to solve those. We can have so many “I should of” moments in life. Why not make the decision today to change at least one of those moments into an I will moment? Make a plan to avoid your regret

How would that change your life for the better?


“Sow a thought, reap an action, sow an action, reap a habit, sow a habit reap a character, sow a character reap a destinyā€¯


Events + data (information) = truth (meaning) + thoughts + emotions + actions = results which produce events:

No result (event) can occur without some form of action being taken.

  • No action can be taken without an emotional driver.
  • Most emotions are generated by a prior thought (NB body/chemical impacts).
  • Many of our thoughts comprise unconscious thinking patterns that have been generated as a consequence of what we believe about life (our filter of perspective or personal truths).
  • Our personal truths are the unique meanings we have attributed to what we have experienced in life so far (events).
  • Poor information in = poor results


Authenticity is knowing who you are and being brave enough to live it.

What is authenticity and what does to be authentic mean?

Words and labels are only guides, however for me being authentic means living my truth. It’s making choices about who I want to be and what I want to do with my life at any given moment.

When you engage in coaching you will learn that many of the decisions, you had made and continue to make in life have been influenced by beliefs, patterns, and habits which were ingrained into you at a very early age.

If that is the case, then who or what is steering your ship as you sail through your life’s journey. Coaching will give you clarity on this and help you to grab back control of the wheel of your ship and to chart a new authentic course for your future.

Interested? Click here if you would like to know what coaching can do for you.